Wetrax GmbH

Hiral presents Wetrax GmbH with the 'Top Candidate Experience Award 2024'

Portrait von Wetrax GmbH Geschäftsführer Niki Traxel
Niki Traxel
Wetrax GmbH
Portrait von Wetrax GmbH Geschäftsführer Nils Weber
Nils Weber
Wetrax GmbH
Hiral presents Wetrax GmbH with the 'Top Candidate Experience Award 2024'

At Wetrax GmbH, it is always our goal not only to attract talent, but also to leave positive and lasting impressions throughout the application process. This philosophy has recently led to special recognition: the presentation of the “Top Candidate Experience Award” by Hiral, a leading recruiting agency in Europe.

The candidate experience starts long before the actual application — it starts the moment potential applicants hear from us for the first time. From there on, every point of contact, whether through direct communication or during the application process, is an opportunity to communicate our values and culture. Our HR team places great emphasis on making this journey as clear, positive, and supportive as possible for every candidate.

Hiral: One of Europe's most innovative recruiting agencies

Hiral, an innovator in the recruiting sector since 2014, recognized our efforts and honored us with the “Top Candidate Experience Award.” This recognition validates our approach of seeing the recruiting process as an integral part of building strong and lasting relationships with potential employees. Hiral effectively combines e-commerce marketing methods with targeted direct contact, a model that inspires and guides us.

We are honored by this award and see it as confirmation of our commitment to an exceptional applicant experience. At the same time, it reminds us that constant innovation and attention to candidates' needs are crucial in the area of recruiting.

The recognition from Hiral motivates us to continue finding ways to improve our commitment and practices. In a competitive talent market, the way we interact with our candidates makes the difference. We would like to thank Hiral for this recognition and look forward to continuing our efforts to constantly optimize the candidate experience at Wetrax GmbH.

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Portrait von Wetrax GmbH Geschäftsführer Nils Weber
Portrait von Wetrax GmbH Geschäftsführer Niki Traxel
Nils Weber
Niki Traxel
Geschäftsführer, Wetrax GmbH